
Conduit Foreign Income

Conduit Foreign Income (CFI), is the component of dividends received from Australian corporate tax entities (i.e. Australian listed companies on the ASX: NAB, Rio etc.) that is exempt from withholding tax.

Generally, it is foreign income earned by/ through an Australian corporate tax entity (i.e. BHP Billiton Global Operations in Malaysia and Algeria) that is received by non-tax resident investors.    

Ordinarily, any foreign income paid to a non tax Australian resident, is exempt from any Australian tax.  CFI in its nature is non-assessable, non-exempt income (effectively tax free).  Therefore, any unfranked distribution with a portion of CFI is not subject to withholding tax.

However, for Australian resident investors, any amounts of CFI will be claimed a part of an ‘unfranked dividend’.  Therefore subject to any tax implications that come with unfranked dividends. 

"Chris and his team at Humphrey Partners have been excellent to deal with for financial planning, estate planning and insurance. I know Chris will look after me and recommend the best direction for our business and for me personally. "

Stu Richardson - Telstra Store Toowong Licensee